Criminal Allegations

If a serious allegation has been made about your conduct you should speak to a lawyer first before doing anything else.

Often an accused person will speak with authorities without legal advice and being unaware of all the allegations being made.

This can lead to something which has been said to the authorities, which may not be correct for example due to a memory lapse then becoming a big issue and can lead to prosecution.

We work with a highly experienced team of investigators and experts, both locally and nationally, to ensure that we provide you with a thorough and rigorous defence.

We also have an excellent working relationship with South Australia’s senior criminal barristers.

Contact one of our Criminal Allegations team today for assistance and advice tailored to your needs and circumstances.

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COVID-19 Update -October 2022

Your safety and the safety of our staff is of paramount importance to us. PLEASE DO NOT ATTEND OUR OFFICES IF... Read more

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